Zagreb | 25 października 2019

Dr Paolo Manzo

Biomechanics and anchorage concepts: how to improve treatment efficiency and efficacy in the modern orthodontics by means of consistent biomechanics

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25 października 2019

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The clinical excellence in orthodontics is extremely dependent from the accuracy of diagnosis, adequacy of treatment plan and correct management of biomechanics

From this point of view a critical step is to know how to work with force/moments ratios needed to produce the desired dental movements and reduce the unwanted ones,  how to manage anchorage by dividing active from passive units, how to produce statically determined systems. Also which loop adn cantilever and how and when to use it becomes a key factor in order to produce predictable and controllable movements

Understanding the biomechanical and wire modeling principles underlying our clinical therapies is essential in order to reduce side and iatrogenic effects and to perform efficient and successful orthodontic treatments



9.00-12.30 Workshops
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-18.00 Workshops
19.00-23.00 Dinner



Paolo Manzo DDS, MSc Orthod, Ph.D

Paolo Manzo DDS, MSc Orthod, Ph.D Professor, Department of Orthodontics- University of Naples „Federico II”, President of Leading Alliance Society, Italian Board of Orthodontics, European Board of Orthodontics, European Lingual Board of Orthodontics, Private Clinic in Naples.



Hotel Academia

Adres: Ul. Ivana Tkalčića 88, 10000, Zagreb, Chorwacja

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